Arduino Send Serial Data


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Arduino Function and Serial.readString: Serial monitor of Arduino is a very useful feature.Serial monitor is used to see receive data, send data,print data and so on.Serial monitor is connected to the Arduino through serial communication. This serial communication occurs using RX. Serial communications provide an easy and flexible way for your Arduino board to interact with your computer and other devices. This chapter explains how to send and receive information using this capability. Chapter 1 described how to connect the Arduino serial port to your computer to upload sketches. The upload process sends data from your computer to Arduino and Arduino sends status.

Now that we’ve got all that downloaded and installed, let’s start with the Arduino part.

Here’s a basic template I created that will display the time in column A and your sensor measurements in column B.

Feb 27, 2012  Hi I would like to know how I can send the data to arduino using serial monitor. Can someone give me a code to do that. I want to enter ' to arduino which in turn should send it to the Tx pin a transceiver to put it to configuration mode. Step 2: Configure the Model for Arduino Hardware. Open the Send and Receive Serial Data Using Arduino Hardware model. This model is configured to run in External mode. To configure the model, click the Model Configuration Parameters button on the Simulink toolbar. When you println you are sending data from the Arduino to the computer. The Send button (and the text input next to it) are used to send data to the Arduino. We aren't going to be using it in this lesson so don't be surprised that it doesn't do anything when you click it! Writes binary data to the serial port. This data is sent as a byte or series of bytes; to send the characters representing the digits of a number use the print function instead. Serial: serial port object. See the list of available serial ports for each board on the Serial main page. Val: a value.

Of course, this is just a basic template, which is pretty straight forward and you can tweak it to suit your needs.

I’ve added explanations in the Arduino code so you (and I, after not working with it for a while) know which part of the code does what.

Here’s the sketch:

//always starts in line 0 and writes the thing written next to LABEL

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600); // the bigger number the better

Serial.println('CLEARDATA'); //clears up any data left from previous projects

Serial.println('LABEL,Acolumn,Bcolumn,..'); //always write LABEL, so excel knows the next things will be the names of the columns (instead of Acolumn you could write Time for instance)

Serial.println('RESETTIMER'); //resets timer to 0


void loop() {

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Serial.print('DATA,TIME,TIMER,'); //writes the time in the first column A and the time since the measurements started in column B



Serial.println(..); //be sure to add println to the last command so it knows to go into the next row on the second run

delay(100); //add a delay


Obviously if you upload this code, it won’t work on it’s own!

You need to add a formula for Adata, Bdata and … . This template is just for reference so you know how to use the program. Just add function, name it Adata, Bdata and … and it should work.

Active3 months ago

I can't correctly send data over serial from a Python script to an Arduino Uno. I'm using 9600 baud, and the Arduino correctly resets, but it does not read the char I'm sending from the Python script. I call time.sleep() to ensure the reset on the Arduino does not interfere, and I'm using Windows 7. I should clarify by saying that my desktop is running the python script and connected via USB to the Serial of my Arduino Uno. I then have the RX & TX pins (pins 0 & 1) of my Uno connected to my Mega's Serial1 (pins 18 & 19). I then use the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE on my laptop (which uses the Mega's regular Serial) to peek at what the Uno is seeing. Here is the code for the Mega:

Here is the code for the Uno:

And finally, here is the python script:

In case it helps, I'm essentially trying to write the hit locations in Doom3 to an Arduino over serial so that the Arduino can turn a motor on in the proper location on your body. The game code is in C++, and I first tried using a serial library for C++, but that didn't work either.

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Arduino Send Serial Data Number


4 Answers

I just came across something similar. The key here is that it worked when communicating with the arduino from the IDE and failed when using some other serial program. You have been bit by the auto-resetfeature.

Check out this link on the Arduino Playground for a detailed description of what is going on and what to do about it. The site gives several solutions depending on you skill and comfort level.

I expect your C++ code will work once you implement one of the work arounds from this site.

2,5031 gold badge16 silver badges28 bronze badges

Arduino Send Serial Data Via Wifi


If I understand your physical setup correctly, there appears to be a conflict between the Arudino IDE and python. Only one program by default can open the serial port at a time (like opening a file for exclusive write). If you just use the python script, don't start the arduino IDE and change the ardiuno to turn on an LED when it gets a msg, that should work (if you serial port assignment is correct). The arduino's diagnostic LEDs should blink with normal serial traffic, but for a single msg you might be missing the short blink.

It looks like there is also a conflict between using the serial port between the IDE and between Arduinos. (I don't understand the reason for multiple Arduinos.) Each serial communication pair should be unique. Use the Arduino's SoftwareSerial library to use another pair of digital pins to communicate between the arduinos, not the d0/d1 pins currently used by the FTDI chip to talk to the IDE.

Might also include some diagnostic msgs in the python script if it can't open/communicate with the serial port.


I had a problem too with serial communication, i managed to resolve it by closing the serial monitor in the Arduino. I don't know if you open it when you run your program, but if you do then that might be the problem.

Juan SolanaJuan Solana

Arduino Send Bytes Over Serial

Serial Communication is not always accurate. Sometimes you can notice that in the Serial Monitor, garbage data that you don't want appearing due to the overlapping of two or more pieces of data from Arduino. Similarly, try sending two values quickly and printing the value on the serial monitor, you will notice the same kind of overlapping. Arduino requires certain delays to work effectively and hence pyserial module is not the best way to use python with Arduino.

1) In your python script use the ser.write() or functions twice! If you find this irritating, use the next solution.

2 ) Use Arduino_Master_Delta module(python) to communicate with Arduino which is designed especially to ease the process and remove garbage values with advanced data science and visualization functions.

The link to the pip module is Arduino_Master_Delta

With this module installed you can use this statement instead:

Read the documentation in the above link to learn more !!

BTW I'm the developer of this python module. Do share your view about it.

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Arduino Send Serial Data

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