Nuts Wwii Two Hour Wargames


I do not remember where or when I heard about NUTS or Two Hour Wargames. Recently out of boredom with my current small collection of games, I decided what the heck. For $20 I will try something new. What is NUTS? Well, first of all, the game can be played solo, cooperatively or face to face. There is literally a single wargame that provides comprehensive rules for solo or cooperative wargaming – and it’s “Nuts!” by Two Hour Wargames (not to be confused with Flames of War Battle of the Bulge supplement with the same name). See how it plays and discover if it provides fun way to play WWII battle solo or cooperatively, with. As the subject line suggests, I decided to mix Nuts! 2.0 from Two Hour Wargames, with Featherstone's simplified WWII rules from his War Games book, ostensibly intended for battalion or divisions on the table, to make something playable for a 1:1 game with a platoon or less. In the end, I also used the Six Gun Sound 1st edition rules for In. Reviewed in Wargames Journal - Two Hour Wargames' Topic. But this is why I decided to add NUTS! To my collection of WWII rules, and I must agree, the. With NUTS and NUTS Compendium you can play any battle in WWII from anywhere and any time. Two books is all you need to fight WWII., Two Hour Wargames.

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Nuts Wwii Two Hour Wargames Review


I use the plastic figures that came with Memoir 44, my first 'war-game', and made rudimentary terrain with 1' x1' felt squares, construction paper for roads and rivers and the terrain tiles from Memoir.
Players are encouraged to use whatever they want. Just yesterday I saw a bag of 100 plastic army men plus huge tanks for $4 at my local pharmacy.
You can get as crazy as you want depending on your level of craftsmanship or the depth of your pockets.
There is no MAP. The troops and vehicles move in straight lines or multiple line segments according to their movement stats, distance being measured in inches. This can be modified depending on the scale of minis used.
So, since what you are buying is a set of rules,tables and charts, what are they about ? There is no IGOUGO and no rules prohibiting firing if you have already fired once (what real soldier only has the ability to shoot once per unit time ? No OPS COMPLETE markers and no limit to how many units can act each turn. You are always EXPOSED unless you move into decent cover and you are always spotted if there is nothing between you and the other guy. If someone shoots at you, they had better assume you are going to shoot back and then they shoot at you again and you shoot back again until someone runs out of ammo, dies or is otherwise unable to continue that moment.But, unless dead, he will be back again soon enough.
The game play is really amazing actually. Because of the Chain Reaction System which can be downloaded for free from Two Hour Games website, there is a constant back and forth between rival units with no downtime or time for analysis paralysis. The action is fast and furious. Yes, there are loads of tables to reference, but there are really no exceptions to the rules and everything flows smoothly, except for ordinance flying in every direction. Once you take care of one problem, another one shows up from a different direction and here we go again.
The game designer, Ed Texeira (?sp) seems like he is watching the Yahoo Group forum 24/7 as every question is answered almost immediately.
His philosophy is play the game, have fun and make the minis and rules work for you, rather than the other way around.
I think the quote 'More Game, Less Guff' is extremely applicable
The few tactical WWII games I have in my collection are Fields of Fire, DDay Omaha Beach, Lock N Load Band of Heroes. I also just purchased Fighting Formations, but have just read the rules.
Strangely, I think NUTS is most like Fields of Fire in that you really feel you are there, ducking behind cover, smoke filling the air and bodies flying everywhere. You never know what is going to happen next.
The game is totally unscripted and there are no gamey artifices. Once you press the 'start button', hang on.
So far, I prefer NUTS to any of my other games as the rules yield a very authentic feeling result.
In prep for this game, I read Band of Brothers by Stephen Ambrose which the game designer said is the inspiration for the game.
The game plays out just like the battles in the book. There is no orderliness or programmed down time. You are in the mud taking flak from all sides. there is no administrative or clean up phase where all the status markers are reset.
It is wild, lots of fun, and like the name says, playable in two hours or less. AND, I have just gotten into it, using only infantry. Have yet to introduce vehicles.
In conclusion, I think you can guess I like this system. It is so different , easy and fun, yet highly immersive and feels real.



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